We are here to assist you in obtaining financing for your business!

Frontier Financial Partners, Inc.

Business Information

This business development company covers the following counties:

Chase, Clay, Coffey, Franklin, Geary, Leavenworth, Lyon, Marshall, Morris, Osage, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee, Wyandotte

Wayne Symmonds, President and CEO
1512 W. 6th Avenue Suite E
Emporia, KS 66801
Phn: (620) 342-7041
Fax: (620) 342-7041
E-mail: symmonds@frontierfinancialpartners.com
Homepage: www.frontierfinancialpartners.com

Clark Churchill, Regional Manager
1079 Hauser Street
Overland Park, KS 66210
Phn: (913) 424-7856
Fax: (913) 273-5511
E-mail: churchill@frontierfinancialpartners.com

Kansas Map Featuring the following counties: Chase, Clay, Coffey, Franklin, Geary, Leavenworth, Lyon, Marshall, Morris, Osage, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee, Wyandotte